A virus is a tiny germ that you cannot see with the naked eye. Ebola, also known as ebola virus disease evd, is a rare and deadly disease caused by an infection with one of the ebola subtype virus strains zaire, sudan. Les raisons nen sont pas encore entierement comprises. Frequently asked questions on ebola virus disease nh dhhs. Frequently asked questions about ebola virus disease aafp. Le virus a fait son chemin a travers ces trois pays, atteignant une propagation geographique sans precedent. Ebola virus disease evd key questions and answers concerning. Key questions and answers concerning water, sanitation and hygiene. Frequently asked questions on ebola virus disease food and. The ebola virus is spread by contact with bushanimals mostly monkeys and bats. Des outils gouvernementaux remarquables sur le plan didactique sont e. Frequently asked questions minnesota department of health.
There is no vaccine injection that prevents the illness or cure available for ebola. Pour les personnes residant en zone depidemie, certains. Ebola frequently asked questions town of greenwich. Ebola is a virus that causes a serious and potentially lifethreatening infection. Une infection par le virus ebola est frequemment mortelle 5090%. The virus can be transmitted through direct contact with the blood or secretions of an infected person, or exposure to objects such as. Ebola is a serious illness that is caused by a virus. Le virus ebola aurait comme hote naturel certaines chauvessouris. Fievre hemorra gique a virus ebola fiche technique. The symptoms usually begin with fever, headache, joint pain. Une personne infectee par le virus ebola presente les signes suivants.
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